5 Adorable Photoshoot Ideas for Your Baby’s First Year
Sometimes it feels like if you blink, you’ll miss one of your baby’s newest milestones.
That’s why so many parents use photo shoots to help capture those precious early days.
And, if you’re anything like other new parents, you’ll always have your camera ready to snap the latest updates to share with your loved ones. But, wouldn’t it be nice to have a set of photos with a little more consistency? Something you can frame or put in an album?
So many parents turn to newborn photoshoots to help capture those precious, early days. It used to be that you’d head to a portrait studio or the local mall for high-quality photos. These days though, it’s easy (and fun!) to do a shoot at home.
Here are some ideas for adorable monthly photoshoots to try with your little one.
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1. Cutie Pies
Inspired by Dani Leigh and her client’s pizza-themed growth chart, we think a photo shoot with food is good enough to eat. Why stop at pizza? Grab anything sliceable like cake or pie and use the number of pieces to show your baby’s age.
For extra fun, you could feature a seasonal flavor in each photo. Pose with peach pie in the summer and pumpkin pie in the fall.
2. Watch Them Grow
Little ones don’t stay teeny tiny for long. And when you’re with them every day you might miss the little changes in how they’re growing.
We love the idea of posing your baby in the same chair or place each month and watching how much bigger they get over the course of a year. Best of all, you could keep this one going monthly or annually for a lifetime of memories.
3. Strike a Pose
The sweetest moments with a new baby are often when you’re holding them close. Capture these tender scenes by posing with your baby each month. Not only will you see how they’re growing in your arms over the weeks and months, but you’ll also have a set of photos of you together to look back on.
Pro-tip: Working on these photos solo? Use your camera’s self-timer feature to help your photoshoot go smoothly.
4. Tick tock
Twelve months in a year, 12 numbers on a clock. Coincidence? Maybe!
In any case, using a clock is a simple way to show how your baby is growing without having to load up on too many special props.
Use a wall clock you’ve got in your house already, or find a special one you can hang on to as a special memory (even once your baby can read the time on their own).
5. Spell it out
When in doubt, keep it simple. Writing out your baby’s age to put in the photo with them is an easy effective way to share your baby’s age with each passing month.
A small chalkboard with intricate lettering felt or magnetic letters from the craft store or a simple piece of paper with your own handwriting are all great.