How to take care of your newborn together
Congratulations, your newest family member is here! Inevitably, the established balance at home is shifting and everyone needs to figure out their new role. We’ll give you a head start: you’re in this together with your partner. Remember that, and you’re already ahead of the game.
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Because there are several benefits to taking care of your baby together:
Big bonding gains for the whole family. You’ve spent 9 months growing a life and therefore you have an evolutionary lead in bonding with your baby. Now it’s time to give your partner the time to shine and both physically exist! Let the baby hear your voices, sense your smells, feel your touches. Taking care of your little bubba is the only way to properly getting to know her. It’s infinitely rewarding for everyone involved.
Relationship boost for both of you. New parents often say they fall in love all over again by watching their partner caring for their baby. Endorphins undoubtedly kick in when you watch your newborn peacefully asleep on your partner’s chest or see their proud face when they carry them around.
Feeling supported. Having your partner involved makes it a lot easier to find your baby bearings. Don’t forget you’re recovering from childbirth: you need all the support you can get.
So, get on it. Become Team Baby. Here’s how to share the care:
Nursing time = nursing time. Make all the minutes on that couch or in that chair as enjoyable as possible with drinks and snacks within reach once the babe is on the boob. Let your partner enjoy these moments too as soon as your baby takes the bottle. Nursing time is the perfect time to relax, feel the connection with your baby, but also with each other when you take it in turns and see your partner bond.
Bonding buzz. Pull silly faces, make up diaper changing (or burping, or bathing, or cuddling) songs, blow raspberries on his belly, talk about your latest business meeting: your baby really doesn’t care how you bond. But you’ll be on a guaranteed high while you’re getting to know him. And out of this world when you share these moments with your partner.
You snooze, you don’t lose. It’s exhausting taking care of your new baby, you will be sleep-deprived no matter what, so make sure you get naps in when you can. There’s nothing more rewarding than drifting off to the Land of Nod with the whole family. Some spooning with your partner while your little one is peacefully snoozing in her co-sleeper or crib.
Chores are for bores. Yes, there’s an even bigger laundry load, baby bits that need sterilizing and food isn’t magically preparing itself. Share the burden – since many hands make light work – and have your partner up their game when you have a particularly hard time recovering from childbirth.
But our greatest household advice: have grown-up chats over dinner, ask about each other’s day, talk about your new roles, share your thoughts (happy and sad). You’re both figuring out your new life and like we said, you’re in it together, but you need each other to figure it out best.
We have no doubt you got this. Both of you. Go, Team Baby!